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Here is a link to the video of Roger Federer speaking at Dartmouth College. Federer's speech is an amazing case study in emotional but intelligent speaking: It's funny, motivating, inspiring. It's moving. And  it has valuable takeaways--not just for the graduates,...
  Many a times we think that the people doing better than us are just lucky ! It might be true in few cases but largely it is due to several other reasons. Choice lies with you - what kind of person...
Ingredients of Success & How to be Lucky ! Here we talk about 2 verses of Gita that refers to Karma ( your actions ) & Results /Outcome. About Gita For non-starters , let me say that Gita contains immense knowledge...
In this talk related to setting and achieving goals, you're going to get lots of practical insights related to this topic. Social psychologist Emily Balcetis goes in-depth on understanding how people’s perceptions of the world fuel their motivations and life...