This is an extension of an earlier article ' How to get rich without being lucky ' This article contains 11 lessons from the book named "How to Get Rich" A great book but having a terrible title. (if you wish to...
Storytellers rule world . That's why the skill of storytelling is considered as a superpower. It is  key to unlocking growth in your writing, negotiations, marketing (brand-building), business, or career. You can learn few principles of effective storytelling in this video. To learn...
let go pran

Let Go !

Once you realize you deserve a bright future, letting go  is the best choice you will ever make. Let Go! ‘Let Go ‘ is an important personality trait - in life , in business as well as in the market . Balloons...
If you want to change the world… Start off by making your bed… Setting this task to yourself every morning and completing it will have an immediate impact as you will have your first task completed. You will then be...