Powerful Learning Techniques

powerful learning techniques 1
powerful learning techniques 1

If you want to learn something deeply and consistently improvise yours skills in certain domain, here are few powerful learning techniques:

  1. Deliberate Practice Vs. Regular Practice

Regular practice involves mindless repetitions and staying in your comfort zone.

Deliberate practice involves focused attention on the micro-components of a skill, specific goals, and constant  feedback -loop on performance from an expert.

As they say “It isn’t 10,000 hours of practice that creates outliers, it’s 10,000 iterations”

Delibrate Practice Roadmap
Delibrate Practice Roadmap
2. Spaced Repetition
Memories weaken over time.
If we learn something new, we remember less and less of it as the days and weeks go by: it is like a  forgetting curve.
The way to combat this curve is through spaced repetition: repeated exposure to the information to be learned over time.
Comeback to same information few days or weeks -go through it again , you won’t not only remember it better but you would also get new insights.
Spaced Learning
The process of taking individual pieces of information and grouping them into larger units to make them easier to remember.
The most common example of chunking occurs in phone numbers.
Example: A sequence of 8-5-4-1-3-2-4-9-8-7 would be chunked into 854-1324-987.


4. Learning By Teaching
The famous scientist Richard Feynman used to say “If you can’t explain something to a first year student, then you haven’t really understood.”
This technique is also known as The Feynman Technique of Learning.This involves 4 steps :
The Feynman Technique
The Feynman Technique
Step 1

Write the name of the concept at the top of a blank piece of paper. Keep adding to that page every time you learn something new about it.

Step 2

Pretend you are teaching it to someone else (e.g a new student or a 10-12 years old kid).

Write down an explanation of the concept on the page keeping that young kid in mind.Use plain English.

Try to teach it to someone who does not know anything about that subject.See if the other person is able to understand it.

See if you’re getting stuck somewhere during the explanation of that concept.

If yes, this pinpoints the gap in your knowledge of that specific concept, maybe you need to learn more.

Step 3

Review the gaps in your own learning. Go back to the source material, re-read, and re-learn it.

Repeat Step 2.

Step 4

Don’t  use overly wordy or confusing language.

Try again to simplify. Use some simple analogies and simple sentences  in explanation.

As they say, one good analogy is better than one hour of expalining a theory.

5.The Textbook Method
Write your own textbook chapter on a topic. It requires a deep understanding of the concepts and how they fit together.
You’re forced to be concise and to create a clear mental structure of the topic. There’s no hiding behind knowledge gaps.
6. Question Yourself & Iterate  
This technique is more for improvising your current skills or whatever you do on day-to-day basis .
This exercise can be done whenever you’ve made  a presentation, conducted a meeting, or sent  a proposal  or came out of a negotiation or finished your workout .
In your free time , what one thing could have been done better.
Take a real or a mental note of that one thing. Try to inculcate it in your actions whenever you’re going to do similar activity .After few itirations , you would realize that you are more skillful than from where you strated.
As said before “It isn’t 10,000 hours of work that creates outliers, it’s 10,000 iterations”
7. The ADEPT Method
A method to teach yourself a difficult idea, or explain one to others.
It’s called making explanations ADEPT: Use an Analogy, Diagram, Example, Plain-English description, and then a Technical description.
Adept Method
Adept Method
If you want to learn extra about few powerful learning techniques, you can read this article also “How to learn more effectively”






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