Reading Time : 5 Minutes What You May Learn: How others can make you commit on something to trap you ? I will keep my word ! In early 1990, a toy manufacturer in USA used to create hype about any particular toy...
Reading Time: 4 Minutes What You May Know : How companies and organisations use some so-called-expert to influence you ! Trust me, I’m a doctor. All of us have seen TV advertisements of different toothpastes? Have you ever thought why in most of...
Reading Time : 5 minutes What you may know : We all are animals,we move like a herd, follow what others do. Rose Perot was an American billionaire, he campaigned become US president in 1992 and 1996. It is said that at...
Reading Time :5 Minutes What You May Know : The people you like impact your choices in life. You can visit a website named PetRelocation. They help pet owners all over the world move their pets from one country to the other. If you...
Reading Time :5 Minutes What you may know : How we get fooled by  shortages, discounts & limited time offers ! In late 19th century huge diamond deposits were discovered in the mines of South Africa. The British companies, which were operating these...
Reading Time :5 minutes What You May Learn: How organisations and individuals take benefit of our behaviour of reciprocity. You may have heard or read about Hare Krishna Mission. They are more prominent and most active is USA. But have you ever...
How Others Trap You Due To Your Behaviour Patterns ? Reading Time : 5 Minutes What You May Learn : We don't take most of our decisions,most of our life is driven automatically.  What happens when someone passes by you and smiles at...
Reading Time : 4 Minutes You may Learn: Why you're better than what you think and why you should not be satisfied. "Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t– in both cases you happen to be right.” — Henry Ford We’re...
Reading Time :5 minutes How it can help: You may learn that "what people would say about you" should not be a stumbling block in your learning process . Many times we’re stopped by our inner fear of ‘what others would say,...
Reading Time : 5 Minutes  How it can help: a) It may inspire you to reach to the next level b)It may hurt your ego and may make you more HUMBLE. 3 Levels of Success: 1. Relative or So-Called Success 2. Super Success 3. Absolute Success So-called...

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