-No product is final, there’s always a scope to improve.
-No product is irreplaceable -any day it can be replaced by a more efficient product.
-While creating a new product, satisfy those people who’re near you, and people from far- away would come one day by themselves.
-Build for the obsessed, for those who are looking for a solution, not for the casual onlookers.
-People should be able to use your product in a state of ‘no-mind”- it means that product should be simple and easy-to-use and you don’t need to spend time and resources for teaching your customers on how-to-use.
-Great products give you something that you never knew existed.
-People buy stories and solutions, they don’t buy the products.
-All great products are the mirrors, where you can see the reflection of the founder.
-Don’t build for crowds, it is difficult to understand the crowds. Better build for an individual you understand – your friend, your colleague, yourself. In short, don’t build for markets, build for individuals.
-Good design is a competitive advantage.
-A product would be easy to accept if it can fit in the existing practices of the customers, to create a new habit you need to address a big gaping hole of what customers want.
-Great products are made of small features – and you need to spend many sleepless nights working on each feature- refining, removing(unnecessary), designing.
-Great products are discovered by studying and experiencing the obvious and not-so-obvious needs of customers.
-If you’re not the first customer of your product, it is not the right product.
-The products which reveal themselves as you use them have higher chances of success.
-Great products don’t enable great businesses. Great people enable great products and in turn they enable great businesses.
7 claps“You can’t just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.” -Steve Jobs
Nicely put in ..in no mind state
Great platform to learn for new beginner.
Thanks Sir