How To Get Rich -2

get rich
get rich

This is an extension of an earlier article ‘ How to get rich without being lucky ‘

This article contains 11 lessons from the book named “How to Get Rich”

A great book but having a terrible title.

(if you wish to become really rich, you might like to read the 1st article also by clicking here  How To Get Really Rich Without Being Lucky )

Let’s first know about the background of the author.

This is important because writing about something is one thing but walking the talk on what you’re saying adds the depth to it.

We should always try to understand whether the preacher(author), who’s telling something, has experimented with the same in his own life and if yes, then with what outcomes .

Well, Felix Dennis (the author) built a $1 billion empire in the United Kingdom called Dennis Publishing.

By 2013, Dennis owned 50+ magazines including Maxim, The Week, and PC World.

He also blew $100M on drugs and then became a poet.

Now you might be convinced that the author knows the subject and we can trust him.

Here are 11 key lessons from this book:-

Lesson 1:

Anyone not busy learning is busy dying.

You can’t create wealth without curiosity.

• Take in everything

• Decide the best

• Forget the rest

Lesson 2:

Wealth doesn’t come from expertise or qualifications.

“Whatever qualities the rich may have, they can be acquired by anyone with the tenacity to be rich.

The key is confidence.” Wealth = Confidence + Unshakable Belief

Lesson 3:

“Never be ashamed to copy a winning strategy.”

First doesn’t mean the best.

You can copy others ideas, improvise upon them, work more harder than the original idea-person and you can still win. Don’t think that you always have to start from scratch, you don’t always need to be an inventor of a new idea.

Lesson 4:

Grow mental armor ,a thick skin.

Not thick enough to blind you from advice.

But thick enough to shrug off mockery that follows your failures. Or hidden envy that accompanies your success.

Lesson 5:

If you are unwilling to fail publicly, you have no chance of getting rich.

Lesson 6:

“You can succeed beyond your wildest dreams and without ever having a great idea.”

Execution is everything.

“Ideas don’t make you rich. The correct execution of ideas does.”

Lesson 7:

Think big but act small.

“Most of the worst errors came from forgetting to act small. It’s hard when everything is going your way.”

But acting big ( only when there’s something very critical is happening) leads to complacency  And complacency leads to failure.

Lesson 8:

If you want to get rich, then learn to delegate.

Don’t learn to pretend to delegate.

Delegation is not only a powerful tool, it is the only way to maximize and truly incentivize your most precious asset – the people who work for you.

Real delegation can help make you rich.

Lesson 9:

“Stubbornness is not persistence.”

A stubborn person ignores overwhelming evidence and fears being wrong.

A persistent person is convinced they are right and proof is just around the corner.

Lesson 10:

“Stupid people are easy to hire.”


Lesson 11:

Change your mindset on money.

“The world is full of money. Some of it has my name on it. All I have to do is collect it.”

The Most Critical Lesson :

Can you be rich and happy?

“The rich are not happy. I have yet to meet a really rich happy person.”

This book is not only about how to get rich but also about how getting rich can ruin your life .

“Being rich is fine, and at the very least is better than being poor. But it shouldn’t be the be-all and end-all of your life, or anyone’s life” -Felix Dennis
6 claps


  1. “Never be ashamed to copy a winning strategy.”
    Copied your idea of Hero Bana de & launched as Raja Bana De…. It was Super Successful when it comes to the size of results.
    Thanks a million !


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