Story of Hyundai

Story Of Hyundai

It is the story of Hyundai & its founder. When Chung escaped home in 1933, he never thought he would build a $35,000,000,000 business - a story of grit, discipline, and dire need. But a stolen...

Even gods have self -doubts !

Reading Time -03 minutes "And when the servants of the law appeared, they ran away. And Peter denied him. Christ had known his disciples for three years. They'd lived together day in and day out - but...

Mirror tells lies, Shadows go away!

Reading Time: 45 minutes. Sita & Draupadi – Do you really know them? Pandvas Journey To Heaven - From Draupadi's point of view. It was difficult to tell for how long or for how many days we were...

Do You Want Super-Duper Success?

Reading Time : 45 Minutes Let’s start with a story, a story about Johny, about  a so-called successful Johny : Who’s Johny? “Wow! “ Johny could hardly utter these word, when a BMW whizzed by so fast...

Power of Circles -Your Friends Decide Your Future !

Reading Time: 30 minutes. As a kid, like many other children in India, every year we would spend few days at our grandparents’ place in summer vacations, who used to live in a far...

Perfection Is Not Destination !

While few say that we should strive for perfection , but you would find lot of evidences that perfection is not a destination , it is a journey. Here is a story of a Tai...
gods pran arora

Do Gods & Godesses exist ?

Do Gods and Godesses exist?Everyone comes across this question at some juncture of life. This write-up is an effort to think about the origin of gods & goddesses in a rational way ! Warning : If you're...

The Long Game -Power Of Compounding !

Reading Time:15 minutes It was the year 2012 when an elderly woman walked into the office of a large law firm in a small town in the USA. The person at the reception was a bit...

Powerful Learning Techniques

If you want to learn something deeply and consistently improvise yours skills in certain domain, here are few powerful learning techniques: Deliberate Practice Vs. Regular Practice Regular practice involves mindless repetitions and staying in your...
career tips

Career Tips -If You’re Employed !

  Many a times we think that the people doing better than us are just lucky ! It might be true in few cases but largely it is due to several other reasons. Choice lies with you...

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