Tipping Point – How Few Things Become Popular?

We all have experienced it - on several occasions some ideas, products, messages, and certain behaviors become very popular -suddenly and unexpectedly. Certain products become fashionable, crime rates go down or up, and certain cults...

Responsibility As A Leader !

To succeed in any position, one needs to play these 4 roles : 1.Plumber: Fixing existing issues 2.Incubator : Creating new things-team/business/opportunities 3.Change-Maker: Changing as per the time & convincing others why change is important 4.Growth-Driver: Creating systems/habits...

What’s Halo Effect /Error?

Halo Effect ( also known as Halo error) refers to our behavior when we see one agreeable characteristic in something or someone and we tend to believe that other characteristics of that person (...

Creating Successful Products -Some Insights

-No product is final, there's always a scope to improve. -No product is irreplaceable -any day it can be replaced by a more efficient product. -While creating a new product, satisfy those people who're near you,...

The Feynman Technique Of Learning Anything

The Feynman Technique of Learning is attributed to Richard Feynman. He was a Nobel prize-winning scientist and he was also known as "Great Explainer". Feynman Technique, also known as Feynman Mental-Model is known as a technique...

Harsh Truth Of Life – A Pale Blue Dot

The harsh truth of life is that except for a few people: You don't matter. The world doesn't really care about you. You are a nobody. It is always time to get over your feeling of you being...

Creativity -What It Is & How It Works ?

You don't need to be creative to be creative. Why creativity is important? Competency will make you a living ,it is the creativity which will make you rich. It is going to be the most desirable skill...

Creator Or Consumer -Who Are You?

Very few people in this world happen to be creators- creators of new ideas, new products, new services. Creators are the people who start a new category, a new note in the music, a new...

StoryTellers Rule The World !

StoryTellers Rule The World . Because storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world. One may wonder about the title!  Why be a story-teller? Why storytellers rule the world ? Well, look around...

Peter Principle -Promotions In Organisations !

"My years at McKinsey gave me tremendous disrespect for large corporations.It seemed to me ,almost certainly,there were enormous inefficiencies.And the guys who climbed the ladder to the top had become specialists in climbing ladders...

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